GoBali Udayana University
GoBali Udayana University









The principal aim of e-commerce is to enable postgraduate students to improve an e-commerce from a business perspective, providing an overview of business and technology topics, business models, virtual value chains and social innovation and marketing strategies.

Learning Objectives:

Postgraduate students are enabled to identify and analyse some of the major issues associated with customer behaviour in e-commerce, e-commerce security, privacy, intellectual property rights, authentication, encryption, acceptable use policies, and legal liabilities.

Weekly Topics:

  1. Introduction to e-commerce
  2. Technology trends
  3. Online branding
  4. E-commerce business models
  5. E-commerrce strategy
  6. E-commerce organisations
  7. E-commerce infrastructure
  8. E-commerce presence
  9. E-commerce mobile
  10. Security, payments, and intellectual property rights
  11. E-commerce marketing and advertising concepts
  12. Electronic customer relationship management
  13. E-commerce evaluation and metrics
  14. Social media, ethical, and political issues in e-commerce
  15. Preparation
  16. Final Exam


  1. Botha, C.H. Bothma, Pieter Geldenhuys. 2008. Managing e-commerce in business. Juta & Company Ltd.
  2. Laudon, K.C. and Traver, C.G., 2016. E-commerce: business, technology, society.
  3. Manzoor, A., 2010. E-commerce: an introduction. Amir Manzoor.
  4. Qin, Z. ed., 2010. Introduction to E-commerce. Springer science & business media.
  5. Rayport, J.F. and Jaworski, B.J., 2002. Introduction to e-commerce. McGraw-Hill/Irwin marketspaceU.
  6. Turban, E., King, D.R. and Lang, J., 2011. Introduction to electronic commerce. Pearson Education.

Exam Type:

Written Exam (60 min.)


30% Attendance, Discussions, Assignments
30% Midterm Exam
40% Final Exam

Disclaimer Statements:

Course content may vary from the outline to meet the needs of this particular group.

More information about GoBali programs are available on www.gobali.org.
Indonesia: Udayana University, 2019